With joint organization of the Portuguese Commission of Tunnels and Underground Space and of the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, the Study Journey “Execution of Tunnels and CGW. What changes with the Revised PCC? Best International Practices” was held on February 2, 2018, at the LNEC’s Congress Centre.
This event was motivated by the transitional phase of the public contracting process in progress, following the publication of Law no. 111-B / 2017 of August 31, which is the ninth amending of the Public Contracts Code (PCC), and the respective coming into effect on January 1st, 2018.
The initiative had institutional support from the Portuguese Order of Engineers, the Portuguese Bar Association and the Portuguese Association of Designers and Consultants. Reflecting the transversal character of the theme of the Journey, the participants, over 110 in total, were mostly professionals of underground works Engineering and of Law.
In this Study Day it was possible to present and evaluate, from the Engineering and Law points of view, the legislative changes with an impact on the execution of Complex Underground Works, in particular tunnels.
There was also an opportunity to listen to the experience and recommendations of good tender practices, which have already been consolidated internationally by members of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA-AITES), in the development of guidelines and guides and in their practical application to large national and international underground works.
The program, which can be accessed at www.cpt.spgeotecnia.pt, included four modules, namely: (i) Today’s experience and the likely future; (ii) Management and supervision of public contracts; (iii) Best international practices, (iv) Round table and discussion. The various interventions can be downloaded at https://goo.gl/L8DAea and are presented in a joint compilation.
04/11/2018 GDV