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Portuguese Geotechnical Society

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The Portuguese Environmental Geotechnical Commission (CPGA) of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society, with support from the National Civil Engineering Laboratory, invited Carlos Costa, from eGiamb – Consultoria Geoambiental, Lda, to deliver the 6th Lecture of the “Cycle of Geotechnical Lectures to Thinking about the Environment “, with the title Contaminated Land Management in Urban Operations.. The...

The 5th International Seminar on Underground Space will be held at the annual BEFIPS partnership meeting, jointly organized by LNEC and CPT of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society. The theme of this issue will be Health & Safety in Underground Space. The topics to be addressed at the seminar will be as follows: • Historical evolution...

It will take place on December 5 and 6, 2019, at the Academy of Sciences, in Lisbon, the Seminar Excavations in Urban Environment, a joint organization of SPG and the Lisbon City Council, with the support of the Order of Engineers. On December 6th, in the morning, the Seminar will include a session dedicated to...

Under the auspices of the Portuguese Environmental Geotechnical Commission of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society and ISSMGE TC307 – Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering, the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) is organizing the 1st International Conference on Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering – Geodiversity & Resilience ( 1st ICSGE’21), which will take place at the LNEC Congress Center...

The 4th. Technical Session on Geosynthetics, which was scheduled to take place in March 2020, will finally take place, in person, on July 1, 2022, at LNEC, Lisbon, from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Please find the program and registration form.

Salzburg, Austria, October 09-14, 2023.

De Doelen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, September 20- 23, 2022. +Info: https://www.kivi.nl/afdelingen/geotechniek/stress-wave-conference-2022

Rome, Italy (postponed to September, 17-21, 2023). + Info https://www.12icg-roma.org/

Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, August 14-18, 2023. + Info: Email: milanbi@mail.ru

Chania, Crete island, Greece, June, 25-28, 2023. +Info: https://www.iceg2022.org/

Bucharest, Romania, June, 7-9, 2023. + Info: http://www.17decge.ro

Cairo, Egypt, postpone to February, 20-23, 2023. +Info: https://geoafrica2021.org

Technical Comittees

The Portuguese Land Improvement Commission (CPMT) is a technical commission of the SPG, approved in October 2021 by the SPG...

The Portuguese Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS–Portugal), integrated into the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG), is made up of...

The Portuguese Environmental Geotechnics Commission (CPGA) was created in 2012 by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG), to which it belongs,...

The Portuguese Committee of Geotechnics for Transportation (CPGT) is a technical committee of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG).

The Portuguese Commission of Tunnels and Underground Space (CPT) is a group of professionals and companies associated with the underground...

International Societies

The Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) has been representing the International Tunelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) in Portugal since the...

The Portuguese Society of Geotechnics (SPG) represent the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) in Portugal since 1966.

The Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) represent the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG).

The Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) represent the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) in Portugal since 2001, and in 2006 the Portuguese...

The Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) has been representing the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) since the...

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