The Portuguese Environmental Geotechnics Commission (CPGA) was created in 2012 by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG), to which it belongs, in substitution of the Technical Commission for Waste Recycling in Geotechnical Works (CTVROG), which was created in 2003. The reason for this change was related to the need to widen the scope of the original commission, including the development of knowledge regarding Environmental Geotechnics; dissemination of studies, research and overall work regarding waste embankments, contaminated soils and groundwater and their remediation, environmental geotechnics in an urban context, waste recycling, functional geomaterials and environment, shallow geothermal systems, circular economy and sustainability, and another emergent related topics; and finally the collaboration with similar national and international institutions.
To achieve its goals, the CPGA should address the following:
- Insure, as entrusted by SPG, the connection to technical commissions somehow related to Environmental Geotechnics, belonging to other organisations – in particular IAEG, ISRM, ISSMGE and IGS, which are represented in Portugal by SPG;
- Organise conferences, technical meetings, lectures, and training courses at the national and international levels;
- Promote conferences or support by similar organisations; Disseminate related studies and research through national and international conferences, organised by CPGA or promoted by similar organisations;
- Make available national and international related documents and overall technical information;
- Keep this website updated with all the information regarding related conferences.
The CPGA regulation, approved at the General Assembly of the SPG on March 20th 2013, stipulates that all SPG associates members of the CPGA provided they request it in writing to the respective Board. Furthermore, students with Bachelor, Master and/or PhD degrees, or professionals who do not work specifically in the field of geotechnics, may request to be enrolled only in CPGA and be exempted from SPG membership, paying the annual fee and subscription established for CPGA members.
The folder “Collaborate with SPGA” on this website aims to promote the interaction between the CPGA members and the Board, taking advantage of their contributions and suggestions to improve the commission’s activity.
CPGA Regulation was approved by SPG general meeting on the 20th March 2013.
Ana Vieira
Cláudia Pinto | José Neves
Paulo Coelho
Adjunct Secretary
Helder I. Chaminé
Magda Roque
Previous Board
António Roque
Lurdes Lopes | Ana Vieira
Celeste Jorge
Adjunct Secretary
Nuno Cristelo
Jorge Gonçalves
Coordination of Thematic Areas
Circular Economy
José Neves
Waste Landfills and Contaminated Land
Cláudia Pinto | Magda Roque
Energy and Sustainability
Ana Vieira | Paulo Coelho
Urban Areas and Geoenvironment
Helder I. Chaminé
To subscribe CPGA, go here.
For any questions, please contact:
Working Groups
Coordination: Castorina Silva Vieira (FEUP)
António Roque (LNEC), Maria Ivone Maçarico (Infraestruturas de Portugal), Joana Maia Dias (FEUP), Nuno Fernandes (Tecnovia), Claúdia Ferreira (Telhabel), Lara Martins (Infraestruturas de Portugal)
- To promote and disseminate knowledge on waste valorisation and incorporation of by-products and non-conventional aggregates in geotechnical works
- To contribute to the implementation of the incorporation of secondary raw materials in geotechnical works
- To create and keep updated a “database” on regulations (legislation, standardisation, specifications and user guides) regarding waste and non-conventional aggregates in Geotechnics
- To collect and disseminate good practice case studies of waste valorisation and incorporation of by-products and non-conventional aggregates in geotechnical works
- To promote dissemination actions and publications in the scope of the WG
Coordination: Celeste Jorge (LNEC)
Teresa Valente (UM), Maria de Lurdes Dinis (FEUP), João Paulo Meixedo (ISEP), Álvaro Nunes de Sousa (IPN|UC), Joana Ribeiro (FCTUC), Magda Roque (Aqualogos), Graça Brito (FCT|UNL), Paulo Caetano (FCT|UNL), Sofia Barbosa (FCT|UNL), Paulo Amaral (LREC-Açores)
- Promote and disseminate knowledge of themes related to the competencies of the GT members
- Raise awareness of the adequacy of geological-geotechnical-environmental studies of contaminated areas
- Compile and disseminate cases of good practice of monitoring procedures in different environmental compartments
- Define the best assessment and remediation methodologies for degraded and contaminated areas, taking into account sustainability and the circular economy – methodological guide
- Define the best methodologies for risk management in contaminated sites – methodological guide
- Propose a glossary of terms related to degraded areas
- Highlight actions on post-mining rehabilitation & revitalization in model areas
- Promote national and international dissemination actions
Coordination: Cláudia Pinto (CML) | Helder I. Chaminé (ISEP)
Maria José Afonso (ISEP), José Martins Carvalho (ISEP & TARH), José Lapa (UA), Isabel Moitinho de Almeida (FCUL), Isabel Fernandes (FCUL), Gustavo Paneiro (IST|UL), Ana Vieira (LNEC), Pedro Madureira (Synege), Pedro Gabriel de Almeida (UBI), António Pinho (UÉ), Isabel Duarte (UÉ), Fernando Vieira (LREC-Madeira), Ana Malheiro (LREC-Açores)
- Promote and disseminate knowledge on natural risks, geological risks, geotechnical risks, hydrological risks and geoenvironmental risks in urban areas
- Promote the connection between urban space management (superficial and underground) and land planning, considering geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical and environmental constraints
- Promote and disseminate studies on urban hydrogeology and management of water resources and energetic resources with a view to their reuse and sustainable use
- Promote and disseminate deep and superficial geothermal studies in urban areas
- Disseminate cases of good practice in model urban areas, both nationally and internationally
- Promote and stimulate the creation of urban databases and geoscientific information systems, both at the regional and municipal level
- To promote dissemination actions and publications within the scope of the WG
Coordination: Paulo Coelho (FCTUC) | Ana Vieira (LNEC)
Fernando Rocha (UA), João Coroado (IPT), Ana Pires (INESC TEC|ISEP), Helder I. Chaminé (ISEP)
Content available soon
Previous Quadrennium
GT – Regulations on waste, recycled and artificial aggregates in Geotechnics
Coordination: Castorina Silva Vieira (FEUP)
António Roque (LNEC), Joana Dias (FEUP), Mafalda Mota (APA), Maria Ivone Maçarico (IP), Nuno Fernandes (Tecnovia), Paulo Biscaia (RCD), Rui Dores (EGF)
- Promote and disseminate knowledge on the recovery of waste and the incorporation of by-products and recycled materials in geotechnical works
- Contribute to the effective implementation of the incorporation of secondary raw materials (by-products and recycled materials) in geotechnical works
- Create and keep up to date a database of all regulations (legislation, standardization, specifications and user guides) in the field of waste and the use of by-products and recycled materials in Geotechnics
- Collaborate in the writing of a book, which will be published by the CPGA, with the inclusion of a chapter on the scope of the GT
GT- Contaminated Land
Coordiantion: Sofia Barbosa (UNL)
Celeste Jorge (LNEC), José António Almeida (UNL), Magda Roque (AQUALOGUS)
- Promote and disseminate knowledge of themes related to the competencies of the GT members
- Raise awareness of the adequacy of geological-geotechnical-environmental studies of contaminated areas
- Promote national and international dissemination actions
GT – Superficial geothermal energy
Coordination: José Lapa (UA)
António Figueiredo (UA), Ana Vieira (LNEC), Luís Coelho (IPS), Elsa Ramalho (LNEG), Carla Lourenço (DGEG), Luís Silva (ADENE), Pedro Madureira (Synege), Claudino Cardoso (UA), Francisco Lucas (IPCb), Victor Cavaleiro (UBI)
- Definition of Surface Geothermal Energy: Concepts; Terminology; Systems. State of the art: Characterization of energy systems in buildings; Energy efficiency of air conditioning systems based on surface geothermal energy; Analysis of the national energy efficiency plan; Energy sustainability
- Systems using low enthalpy and assimilable surface geothermal energy: Energy acquisition systems; Air conditioning and AQS systems; Hybrid systems
- Case studies
- Existing regulations in Portugal and in southern European countries: Standards, specifications, legislation, European directives and good practice guides.
- Current research: Needs for the evolution of the technology; Publicizing the concepts and knowledge of the technology; Expansion to urban air conditioning or “district heating”
GT – Qualitative and quantitative sustainability assessment methodologies
Coordination: Tiago Miranda (UM)
Maria de Lurdes Lopes (FEUP), Ivo Rosa (TD SA), Diana Matias (MCA SA), Nuno Cristelo (UTAD)
- Review of the most current methodologies for qualitative and quantitative assessment of sustainability in geotechnics, including subsequent preparation of a document with a theoretical introduction to the methods collected and examples of concrete applications
- Promote discussion about the application and adaptation of existing theories and tools to geotechnics, including the organization of lectures and meetings between the geotechnical communities from academia and industry, with a view to creating a common understanding of the real needs of national companies.
- Preparing complementary documentation for use in geotechnical design, incorporating suggestions for adaptation, simplification and development
- Development of software for use in geotechnical design
Collaborate with CPGA
Any suggestions from CPGA members or any environmental geotechnics enthusiasts are considered an important contribution to enhancing the CPGA framework. The CPGA Board encourages and appreciates your contribution, which can be sent to our email:
Useful Links
IAEG Commission 20 – Risk-based contaminated land management
IAEG Commission 27 – Environmental aspects of construction materials
ISSMGE TC215 – Environmental Geotechnics
ISSMGE TC307 – Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering
ISRM Commission on Radioactive Waste Disposal (link).
NICOLE – Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe (link).
Panel of Experts on Soil Protection of the European Federation of Geologists (link).
NanoRem – Taking Nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment (link).
NICOLE BRASIL – Latin America Network for Soil and Water Management (link).
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC)
Av. do Brasil, 101
1700-066 Lisboa – Portugal
Tel: + 351 218 443 859/ 3348 / 3349
Fax: + 351 218 443 021