Úlpio Nascimento / Geotecnia Journal Award

Úlpio Nascimento / Geotecnia Journal Award

Úlpio Nascimento / Geotecnia Journal Award

The Geotecnia Journal Award was created in 1986, aiming to contemplate the article considering with greater technical and scientific interest published in Geotecnia Jounal in the biennium prior to the attribution of the Award and seeking to promote the publication of original and high quality articles. The first of the Geotecnia Journal was awarded in the 1986-1987 biennium.

Previous Awards

, VALIDATION OF SIMPLIFIED MODELS FOR PREVISING LIQUIDATION TIME THROUGH CENTRIFUGE TESTS” – Sara Rios, Maxim Millen, António Viana da Fonseca, Pedro Santos, Giuseppe Mudanò (Geotecnia no. 148 – March 2020 – pp. 31-54)

DISCONTINUOUS MODELS IN THE TRIDIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE HYDROMECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BETON BAR FOUNDATIONS – Nuno Monteiro Azevedo, Maria Luísa Braga Farinha, Magda Sá, João Rocha de Almeida (Geotecnia no. 151 – March 2021 – pp. 05-32)

MICROZONING OF SUSCETIBILITY TO LIQUEFATION: CASE STUDY IN THE LOWER TEJO VALLEY – Ana Sofia Saldanha, António Viana da Fonseca, Cristiana Ferreira, Geotecnia nº 142 – March 2018 – pp. 07-34

Honorable mentions
STUDY OF STAKES SUBJECTED TO SHAKING IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS, THROUGH GEOTECHNICAL CENTRIFUGE TESTS – Guilherme Venturin Guizardi, Rodrigo Martins Reis, Sérgio Tibana, Fernando Saboya Albuquerque Júnior, Geotecnia nº 147 – November 2019 – pp. 41-59

REINFORCEMENT INTERVENTION ON RAILROADS UNDER HIGH TRAFFIC LOAD – Luiz Gustavo Paulo Oran, Delma de Mattos Vidal , José Amaro de Souza Romero , Kledermon Garcia , Elizeu do Nascimento Filho, – Geotecnia nº 145 – March 2019 – pp. 29-41

HYPERBOLIC AND ASAOKA METHODS, OTHER USES. CASE OF MOISTURE EQUILIBRIUM OF UNSATURATED SOILS. APLICACIÓN – Miriam Martín Ruiz, Enrique Asanza Izquierdo, Geotecnia nº 146 – Julio 2019 – pp. 03-17EVOLUTION OF FIVE GEOMEMBRANAS EXPOSED TO CLIMATE CONDITIONS IN PORTUGAL DURING 12 YEARS – Amélia Reis, Madalena Barroso, Maria da Graça Lopes, Geotecnia nº 141 – Novembro 2017 – pp. 41-58

EVOLUTION OF FIVE GEOMEMBRANES EXPOSED TO CLIMATE CONDITIONS IN PORTUGAL DURING 12 YEARS – Amélia Reis, Madalena Barroso, Maria da Graça Lopes, Geotecnia n.º 141 – November 2017 – pp. 41-58

Honorable mentions
BIOCIMENTATION OF A SANDY SOIL USING ENZYMES: EFFECT OF DIVERSE FACTORS – João Paulo Carmona, Paulo Venda Oliveira, Luís Lemos, Geotecnia n.º 141 – November 2017 – pp. 03-18


REHABILITATION OF A RAILWAY – GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THE ROAD – Eduardo Fortunato, Simona Fontul, André Paixão, Nuno Cruz, Jorge Cruz, Francisco Asseiceiro, Geotecnia n.º 131 – July 2014 – pp. 95-112

Rodrigo da Cruz de Araujo, Tácio Mauro Pereira de Campos, with the article “Use of cone penetration, disaggregation, suction and tensile strength tests to evaluate erodibility”, published in the journal Geotecnia n.º 128 – July 2013 – pp. 67-85

Ricardo Santos, Laura Caldeira, E. Maranha das Neves, with the article “Influence of compaction on the erodibility of a partially saturated soil subjected to concentrated leakage”, published in the magazine Geotecnia nº 125 – July 2012 – pp. 05-40

Honorable Mention
Maria Garibaldi, Lindolfo Soares, Oswaldo Augusto , with the article “Systematic for the management of environmental liabilities associated with landslides on highways Geotechnics, published in the magazine nº 125 – July 2012 – pp. 41-68

Danilo Pacheco e Silva and Benedito de Souza Bueno, with the article “Analysis of executive methods of soil nailed from pullout tests carried out in the laboratory”, published in the Journal no. 119.

Honorable Mention in ex aequo
Rafaela Cardoso and Emanuel Maranha das Neves, with the article “Study of a landfill of the A10 freeway constructed with marl”, published in the Journal no 123.

Gabriela Lúcia da Costa and Castro Gomes, Antonio Manoel dos Santos Oliveira and Sandra Emi Sato, with the article “Risk zones to landslides in the municipality of Guarulhos / SP, Brazil”, published in the Journal no. 119.

Gonçalo Diniz Vieira and Jorge Almeida e Sousa, with the article “3D retroanalysis of the tunnel of the Odivelas terminus, analysis of the risk of damages in adjacent buildings”, published in the Journal no. 116.

Honorable Mention in ex aequo
Fagner Alexandre Nunes de França and Benedito de Souza Bueno, with the article “Behavior of a laboratory model in stapled soil”, published in the Journal no. 113.

Bianca de Oliveira Lobo, Fernando Schnaid, Edgar Odebrecht and Marcelo Maia Rocha, with the article “Forecast of the load capacity of cuttings through concepts of energy transfer in the SPT”, published in the Journal no 115.

Award in ex aequo
Paulo A. Lopes de F. Coelho, Stuart K. Haigh and SP Gopal Madabhushi, with the article “Development, effects and mitigation of earthquake-induced liquefaction: an exhaustive study based on dynamic physical modeling in the centrifuge”, published in the Journal n. 107.

Emanuel Maranha das Neves, with the article “Dilation versus effective cohesion”, published in the Journal no. 109.

Honorable mention
Paulo J. Rocha de Albuquerque, David de Carvalho, Cláudio Vidrih Ferreira and Ademar da Silva Lobo, with the article “Behavior of precast and excavated piles, instrumented in unsaturated soil, the experience of the experimental field of Unicamp – Campinas” , published in the Journal no. 108.

José Leitão Borges, with the article “Excavations not supported in clayey masses, consolidation and global stability by the finite element method”, published in the Journal no. 102.

Honorable mention
António Miguel Paula, Margarida Pinho-Lopes and M. Lurdes Lopes, with the article “Laboratory Evaluation of Damage during the Installation of Geosynthetics. Influence of Confinement Material”, published in the Journal no. 102.

Fernando Pardo de Santayana, with the article “Behavior of a slip zone in a Lisbon waste landfill after the implementation of stabilization measures”, published in the Journal no. 95.

Honorable mention
Alexandre Pinto, Sandra Ferreira, Pedro Lopes, João Dias, Rita Costa and Frederico Almeida, with the article “Palácio Sotto Mayor – conception and behavior of a deep excavation”, published in the Journal no. 95

Ana Sieira, Alberto Sayão, Luciano Medeiros and Denise Gerscovich, with the article “Behavior of a tire wall for stabilization of slopes”, published in the Journal no. 91.

Honorable mention
J. Leitão Borges and António Silva Cardoso, with the article “Application of a limit equilibrium method in designing the general landslide of landfills on soft soils reinforced with geosynthetics”, published in the Journal no. 92.

Margarida Pinho Lopes and Maria de Lurdes Lopes, with the article “Mechanisms of soil-geogrid interaction – Role of soil granulometry and transverse bars of reinforcement”, published in the Journal no. 87.

Honorable mention
Agostinho A. Mendonça and António Silva Cardoso, with the article “Contribution of vegetation to slope stability”, Part I – General framework Part II – Study of a case “, published in the journals no. 82 and 83.

Award in ex aequo
Luís Nolasco Lamas, with the article “Experimental study of the hydromechanical properties of granite diclases”, published in the Journal no. 76.

Saboya Júnior and Pedricto Rocha Filho, with the article “Analysis of the barrier of the Secret using concept of the mobilized space plan”, published in the Journal no. 77.

João Bilé Serra and Laura Caldeira, with the article “Seismic response of layers of soil by means of a stochastic approach”, published in the Journal no. 81.

Award ex aequo
Úlpio do Nascimento, with the article “A step-by-step model of the earthquake mechanism”, published in the Journal no. 75.

F. Saboya Júnior, Pedricto Rocha Filho and N. B. Toniatti, with the article “Analysis of the behavior of the dam of the Secret during the period of construction and filling”, published in the Journal no. 70

Honorable Mention in ex aequo

Lucas Barroso de Melo and Roberto Francisco de Azevedo, with the article “The elastic-plastic model of Lade and Kim”, published in the Journal no. 75.

João Candeias Portugal, with the article “Dimensioning of laterally cut stakes: the p-y curves method”, published in the Journal no. 71.

Maria de Lurdes Lopes and António Silva Cardoso, with the article “Analysis of the behavior of a wall reinforced with geosynthetics”, published in the Journal no. 68.

Honorable Mention in ex aequo
M. Panet, L. Dobereiner and L. Samama, with the article “The convergence-confinement method applied to soft rock masses”, published in the Journal no. 66.

J. C. Angelo Cintra, Jacques Garnier and Daniel Levacher, with the article “Groups of stakes subjected to horizontal loading in a centrifuge”, published in the Journal no 68.

E. Luporini Pastore and Paulo Teixeira da Cruz, with the article “Resistance to shear strength of saprolite soils”, published in the Journal no. 69.

António Silva Cardoso and António Pires Carreto, with the article “Observation and analysis of an excavation with embankments reinforced with nails”, published in the Journal no. 59.

No Prizes was awarded in this biennium.

Vítor de Mello, with the article “Instability of embankments slopes, conceptual re-evaluations,” published in the Journal no. 47.

First Honorable Mention in ex aequo
José Folque, with the article “Research in Soil Mechanics”, published in the Journal no. 50.

A. Sousa Coutinho, with the article “Theory of interpretation of tests with self-drilling pressiometer”, published in the Journal no. 49.

Second Honorable Mention in ex aequo
C. Dinis da Gama, with the article “Geology of Engineering and Geotechnics in Mining”, published in the journal Geotecnia no. 47.

A. Silva Cardoso and M. Matos Fernandes, with the article “Excavations preached: behavior and dimensioning”, published in the journal no. 46.

Rui Correia and Joaquim Barreto, with the article “Observation of the University City Tunnel – Entrecampos do Metropolitano de Lisboa”, Journal no. 51.

Geotecnia Journal Award Regulation

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