Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte Award

Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte Award

Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte Award

The Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte Award was set up by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) with the aim of distinguishing its members who are the authors of project solutions for geotechnical works or works with a relevant geotechnical component that have already been completed.

The Board of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society announces the opening of the competition for the 3rd edition of the Award, which will take place between November 7, 2022 and February 24, 2023.

Works completed in the 2019-2022 period will be eligible for the 3rd edition of the Award.

The tender documents can be sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt to the official address of the SPG, or delivered by hand to the SPG Secretariat, until 5pm on the last day of the period indicated above.

Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte Award Regulations

The Award Regulations are available from the SPG Secretariat.

Please download the regulation.