

The Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte Award was set up by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) with the aim of distinguishing its members who are the authors of project solutions for geotechnical works or works with a relevant geotechnical component that have already been completed.
The purpose of the José Folque / Young Geotechnical Award in Portuguese Language is to reward works that contribute to the progress of technical and scientific knowledge and to the resolution of national problems in the field of geotechnical specialties.
The objective of the José Folque / Young Geotechnical Award in English is to reward research work which will contribute to the progress of technical and scientific knowledge and to the resolution of national problems in the field of geotechnical specialties contemplated by ISSMGE.
The Geotecnia Journal Award was created in 1986, aiming to contemplate the article considering with greater technical and scientific interest published in Geotecnia Jounal in the biennium prior to the attribution of the Award and seeking to promote the publication of original and high quality articles.
The SPG Award was established in 1986 by the SPG with the aim of awarding research work at master's level. The first SPG Award was awarded in the 1985-1986 biennium and the last in the 2007-2008 biennium. This Award was replaced by the Young Geotechnical Awards in Portuguese and English.