The Manuel Rocha Lecture, held annually since 1984, is a unique event of the national geotechnical community, of high scientific level, that intends to invoke the scientist and engineer Manuel Rocha.
Speakers are renowned geotechnical experts recognized internationally.
This Lesson is organized by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) in partnership with the Association of Geotechnical Former Students of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (AGAA / UNL).
Manuel Rocha Lectures
Speaker: Researcher Luís Nolasco Lamas
Institution: Principal Researcher at the Concrete Dams Department of LNEC
Lesson Title: Determining the state of stress in rock masses for the design of underground structures
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Lecturer: Professor Scott Burns
Institution: Emeritus Professor at Portland State University, USA/ California
Lesson Title: Climatic Warming – using the past to prepare for the future of increased landslide and other geological disaster activity
Lecturer: Engineer José Mateus de Brito
Institution: TPF
Lesson Title: Judgment in Geotechnical Engineering Practice
Lecturer: Prof. Giovanni Barla
Institution: Technical University of Torino, Italy
Lesson Title: Performance assessment of underground caverns during excavation in view of completion
Lecturer: Inv. Laura Caldeira
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Internal Erosion and Dam Safety
Lecturer: Prof. Paul W. Mayne
Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
Lesson Title: Stress History of Soils from Cone Penetration Tests
Lecturer: Prof. António Gomes Correia
Institution: University of Minho (UM)
Lesson Title: Development and Innovation in Geotechnics in Transportation
Lecturer: Prof. Ennio Marques Palmeira
Institution: University of Brasília (Brazil)
Lesson Title: Sustainability and Innovation in Geotechnology – The Contribution of Geosynthetics
Lecturer: Prof. António Silva Cardoso
Institution: Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)
Lesson Title: Prospects for Geotechnical Development
Lecturer: Prof. Eduardo Alonso
Institution: Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona)
Lesson Title: Fracture Mechanics and Rockfill Dams
Lecturer: Eng. José Vieira de Lemos
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Study of Rock Massifs Based on Discontinuous Medium Models
Lecturer: Prof. John Burland
Institution: Imperial College London (ICL)
Lesson Title: Tunneling Induced Ground Movements and Their Impact on Buildings
Lecturer: Prof. Luiz Gonzalez Vallejo
Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Lesson Title: Design With Geo-Hazards: The Engineering Geological Approach
Lecturer: Prof. Manuel de Matos Fernandes
Institution: Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)
Lesson Title: Large Urban Excavations in Portugal – Practice, Project, Research and Perspectives
Lecturer: Prof. Heinz Brandl
Institution: Technical University of Vienna
Lesson Title: Structures and Retaining Measures in Unstable Slopes
Lecturer: Eng. António Pinto da Cunha
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Behavior and Safety of Underground Structures
Lecturer: Prof. Kerry Rowe
Institution: Queen’s University, Canada
Lesson Title: Advances and Remaining Challenges for Geosynthetics in Geoenvironmental Enginnering Applications
Lecturer: Dr. António Gomes Coelho
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: The Problem of Active Failures in Civil Engineering
Lecturer: Prof. William Van Impe
Institution: University of Gent (President of ISSMGE)
Lesson Title: Considerations on the Relevance of Research based on Soil Parameters
Lecturer: Prof. José António Simões Cortês
Institution: Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)
Lesson Title: From Ground Pressure to Geomechanics – Evolution of Rock Massifs
Lecturer: Prof. Paul Marinos
Institution: Technical University of Athens, Greece
Lesson Title: From the Geological to the Rock Mass Model – Synergy between Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics
Lecturer: Eng. Rui Manuel Correia
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Local Effects of Seismic Amplification by Soils
Lecturer: Prof. Mark F. Randolph
Institution: The University of Western, Australia
Lesson Title: Performance of Offshore Foundation and Anchoring Systems in Soft Sediments
Lecturer: Prof. Carlos Dinis da Gama
Institution: Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
Lesson Title: Environmental Geotechnics – Perspectives and Applications
Lecturer: Dr. Delgado Rodrigues
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Conservation of Monuments Technical and Methodological Aspects and its Focus on Stone Conservation
Lecturer: Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski
Institution: Technical University of Torino
Lesson Title: The Leaning Tower of Pisa. An Overview of the Problem
Lecturer: Mr. Fernando Peres Rodrigues
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Burton’s Rheological Model Subject to a Cyclic Linear Voltage. Examples of Practical Cases
Lecturer: Prof. Peter Brian Attewell
Institution: University of Durham, UK
Lesson Title: Waste and Waste Management – Some Geotechnical Considerations
Lecturer: Prof. Emanuel Maranha das Neves
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Safety and Limits in Geotechnics
Lecturer: Prof. Pierre Habib
Institution: Ecole Polytechnique, France
Lesson Title: Use of Roches Tendres et des Roches Dures pour l’Isolement des Déchets Radioactifs
Lecturer: Prof. Ricardo M. Oliveira
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Geotechnics, Development and Environment
Lecturer: Prof. John L. Knill
Institution: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UK
Lesson Title: On the Nature and Engineering Significance of Rockhead
Lecturer: Prof. A. Correia Mineiro
Institution: University of Alberta, Canada
Lesson Title: Sizing of Earthquake Dams – New Safety Criteria
Lecturer: Prof. N. R. Morgenstern
Institution: Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)
Lesson Title: Limitations of Stability Analysis in Geotechnical Practice
Lecturer: Eng. J. Laginha Serafim
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Title of Lesson: Dams Abóboda and its Foundations
Lecturer: Prof. Nicholas Barton
Institution: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Lesson Title: Predicting the Behavior of Underground Openings in Rock
Lecturer: Mr. José Folque
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Lesson Title: Soil Mechanics Research
Lecturer: Prof. Victor F. B. de Mello
Institution: Faculty of Engineering of the University of São Paulo
Lesson Title: Rockfall Slope Instability. Conceptual Reappraisal
Lecturer: Eng. Júlio Ferry Borges
Institution: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)
Title of Lesson: Quality and safety assurance in civil engineering