Cycle of geotechnical lecture to think in the envnvironment – 4th lecture

Cycle of geotechnical lecture to think in the envnvironment – 4th lecture

The Portuguese Committee on Environmental Geotechnics (CPGA) of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) and the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) invited the Company of Development Mineiro SA (EDM) to give the 4th Lecture of the “Cycle of Geotechnical Lectures to Think in the Environment”.

The speaker invited, Edgar Carvalho from EDM, who addressed the theme “The environmental recovery of degraded areas of Minas Gerais: performance and future perspectives”.

The event took place on July 10, 2018, in the Small Auditorium of the LNEC Congress Center in Lisbon, and was attended by the President of CPGA, António José Roque, and the Vice President of SPG, Alexandre Pinto, in the Opening and Closing Sessions.

The lecture presented the EDM intervention strategy for the environmental recovery of degraded mining areas and examples of the main interventions carried out in the last 15 years. The characterization studies and the environmental recovery works of the degraded mining areas foreseen in the current community investment framework were also considered.

There were 36 participants present, who during the debate period could exchange views with the speaker.