Dispute Boards, as an alternative mechanism for preventing and resolving disputes in infrastructure projects, are now considered one of the best practices at international level, contributing to the success of projects with a reduction in execution time and cost deviations.
This mechanism is a sound example of how to implement one of the recommendations of the “Guide of Best Practices for the Contracting of Complex Geotechnical Works“, which refers to EDRC – Expedited Dispute Resolution Commission“… constituted by 3 members (one appointed by the Owner, the other by the Contractor and a third appointed by the referred two established members) capable of technically analyzing the hypotheses, to act quickly as a decision maker in the hypothesis of objective modifications to the contract due to changes in the foreseeable geotechnical conditions, always respecting the applicable legal regime.”
DRBF is organizing a Workshop on Dispute Boards on the 27th of May, at the Hotel Myriad Sana for those who are new to DBs, who are interested in being a member of DBs and for those who implement or want to implement DBs.
The agenda is available and you can find more information at: DRBF Administration & Practice Workshop in Portuguese (memberclicks.net).