FOLLOW UP Webinar “Guide of Best Practices for the Contracting of Complex Geotechnical Works 2020″

FOLLOW UP Webinar “Guide of Best Practices for the Contracting of Complex Geotechnical Works 2020″

With joint organization of the Portuguese Commission of Tunnels and Underground Space, of the Portuguese Association of Designers and Consultants and of the Order of Engineers, the Webinar “Best Practices for Contracting Works Complex Geotechnics”was held on the 2nd of November, on the OE website, where the “Guide of Best Practices for the Contracting of Complex Geotechnical Works 2020” was presented.

The program of the session included the presentation of this updated Guide with the valuable contributions received during the dissemination sessions held in 2019 all over the country (South, Center and North Region) and subsequent debates, which addresses the best construction practices of Complex Geotechnical Works, promoting the adequacy of the initially planned construction methods to the real working conditions, through the contractual flexibility of public contracts.

The presentation can be viewed through the following link:

Reflecting the transversal nature and the current interest of the topic, the webinar had more than 200 participants online, from the presentation of the Guide to the final debate, around 7pm.

The session had an interesting and interested debate, in a Q&A version, where the speakers answered the questions posed by the participants. The video of the session is available in full (about 2h) on the OE website, through the following link:

The dissemination and implementation phase of the Guide’s recommendations is taking place. The contributions of the various players in this type of works, in particular the supervisory and regulatory entities, the major owners of public works and the contractors and design companies, as well as the insurance entities of these major works, will be crucial for the implementation of these measures.

A specific email was created to communicate with the guide’s writing group ( We look forward to receive contributions and proposals to update the Guide.