On October 14th, CPTym participated in the FIC.A – International Science Festival, in Oeiras. CPTym members Francisco Bernardo and Luís Miranda presented “An introduction to tunnels” for high school students.
In the first part, it was explained what a tunnel is and its functions. The history of tunnels was briefly referred to, as well as their advantages. The design of a tunnel and the main construction methods used (NATM, TBM and immersed tunnels) were also mentioned.
In the second part, an exercise was carried out related to a possible future immersed tunnel crossing of the Tagus river between Algés and Trafaria, dividing the audience into groups (project owner, contractor, local residents and merchants, environmental group and financer), which discussed and presented issues and concerns about the project.
It is now intended to present “An introduction to tunnels” also in high schools, to promote tunnels among students who are about to enter university.