The BEFIPS partnership, between the national associations of ITA-AITES of Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Switzerland, held its annual meeting in Porto, at the Portuguese Order of Engineers, during the morning of July 3.
The meeting also included a visit to the underground works of the Salamonde Dam, which took place in the afternoon.
The next day, CPT and the University of Porto jointly organized the 3rd International Seminar of the Portuguese Commission of Tunnels and Underground Space (CPT), at the Engineering Campus of the University of Porto, which had about 100 participants, both national and foreign, two dozen of which students.
The seminar had as its motto the engineering of underground works abroad, whether in the six BEFIPS countries, or in the countries where Portuguese construction, design and consulting companies have developed very significant activity in recent years.
During the morning, the most relevant projects underway and the most representative research topics in the respective countries were presented by representatives of CPT and analogous associations of Belgium, Spain, France and Switzerland. Next, ten Portuguese companies showed their most relevant international experiences.
The members of the attending international associations unanimously expressed their satisfaction with the way in which the works were carried out and with the quality of the work presented.
The presentations can be downloaded at this link (about 90 Mb). To open the zip file you shall use the free 7-zip software and have the password that was sent to all participants. Clarifications on access to the presentations can be requested from the SPG secretariat at the email address
Download the 2nd bulletin with the complete program in the link.