IX Congress Luso-Brasileiro

IX Congress Luso-Brasileiro

A large set of events around the XIX COBRAMSEG – Brazilian Congress of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering was held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, between August 28 and September 1, which also included the VIII Luso-Brazilian Congress.

The VIII Brazilian Symposium on Rock Mechanics, the V Pan American Sliding Symposium and the VIII Brazilian Symposium of Young Geotechnical Engineers – Geojovem. In total, the number of participants was close to 1500, attesting to the great strength of the Brazilian Geotechnical Community.

The Luso-Brazilian Congress, with the central theme Security of Dams, occupied all the day August 30, and involved four special guest lectures, two series of three parallel sessions and the 6th Victor de Mello Lesson.

Two of the special lectures were given by Portuguese colleagues: Laura Caldeira (LNEC), with the theme Concepts and approaches to safety in dams, and José Ilídio Ferreira (EDP), with the theme EDP Experience in controlling the safety of dams in exploration.

The parallel sessions involved the following topics: Reliability, Safety and Risk, Case Studies, Rehabilitation and Treatment of Dams Foundations, Behavior Analysis and Observation, Numerical and Physical Modeling and Reject Dams. In these sessions, 38 papers were presented, nine of which were written by Portuguese colleagues, members of the SPG.

The Congress closed in a singularly brilliant way with the 6th Victor de Mello Lesson, given by Professor Norbert R. Morgenstern, with the theme Geotechnical Risk, Regulation, and Public Policy, which will soon be published in SOILS & ROCKS magazine.

At the end of the day the traditional Portuguese-Brazilian dinner was held in an atmosphere of great affection.

The SPG Board congratulates ABMS, in the person of its President, Professor Alessander Kormann, for the great success of this set of events.

The SPG Board also expresses a warm thanks to the extraordinarily hospitable manner in which the Portuguese delegation was received, the President of the Congress, Professor Luiz Edmundo Campos, the President of the Organizing Committee, Professor Lucienne de Moraes, and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Professor Hélio Baptista.

+ info: https://www.cobramseg2018.com.br/