1st Seminar In Transportation Geotechnics

1st Seminar In Transportation Geotechnics

The Portuguese Commission for Geotechnics in Transport and the Portuguese Commission for Geosynthetics organized the 1st Seminar on Geotechnics in Transport with the theme “Improvement, Reinforcement and Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructures”. The seminar took place on October 12 and 13, 2017, in the Auditorium of the Centro de Congressos do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon.

Portuguese Committee of Geotechnics for Transportation (CPGT)
Portuguese Geosynthetics Commission (IGS Portugal)
Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG)

Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC)
Order of Engineers (OE)

Framework and objectives:
In view of the investments planned for transport infrastructures and the importance of ensuring that the principles of the circular economy are applied to civil engineering works, this seminar aims to present geotechnical solutions for improving, reinforcing and rehabilitating transport infrastructures, namely roads, railways, airports and maritime-ports, as well as structures and infrastructures located in the areas of influence of the former, with a focus on innovation, sustainability and on-site chaos.

Target audience:
The seminar is aimed at all technicians involved in the planning, design, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure for the various modes of transport (roads, railroads, airports, canals and ports), including building owners, constructors, designers, supervisors, researchers and engineering students.

Organizing Committee:
Alexandre Pinto (JetSJ, IST)
Ana Cristina Freir (LNEC)
António A. Cristóvão (JetSJ)
António Alberto Correia (FCTUC)
António Gomes Correia (UM)
Eduardo Fortunado (LNEC, FEUP)
José Luís Machado do Vale (Carpi Tech)
José Neves (IST)
Madalena Barroso (LNEC)
Manuel Parente (INESC TEC)

Catarina Luís
E-mail: spg@lnec.pt
Tel.: (+351) 218 443 859
Fax.: (+351) 218 443 021
For more information see the link.
Download the extended summaries available in the E-book.