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The 2nd Seminar on Geotechnics in Transportation (2SGT2019) on “Challenges Associated with Land Improvement in Alluvial Zones”will be held on 28 and 29 January 2019 in the Auditorium of the Word Library of the Municipal Library.

This Seminar was a joint organization of two of the TCs of the Portuguese Society of Geotechnics: the Portuguese Committee on Geotechnics in Transportation (CPGT) and the Portuguese Geosynthetics Commission (IGS-Portugal).

This edition was sponsored by the Town Hall of Vila Franca de Xira and was held on January 28 and 29, 2019 in the Auditorium of the Word Library of the Municipal Library.

Significant progress in soil improvement and reinforcement methods is expected in the near future to meet the challenges that the increasingly demanding market poses, in particular with regard to greater efficiency and speed of control of costs. In view of the importance of ensuring best practice in the indispensable land improvement works, which will certainly be included in the investments planned in the country in the transport infrastructures, this seminar intends to present the most recent national and international experience of geotechnical solutions for soil improvement in the infrastructure, road, rail, airport and maritime-port infrastructures, focusing on the experience acquired in the execution and observation of work cases, coupled with recent developments of innovative techniques and with greater sustainability.

The Seminar had includes 7 sessions with 26 presentations that deal with the problems of soil improvement and the corresponding Portuguese experience, the most recent techniques and cases of failure. Of particular note were the presence of 11 special lecturers from Portugal, Spain, France and Germany:

  • Soft silt-clay silts from Portugal – Parameterization for the geotechnical design of Elizabete Esteves (ISEP);
  • nnovative solutions to mitigate damage in liquid António Viana da Fonseca (FEUP);
  • Reinforcement of the 7E Basin Foundation for the Use of Crestuma-Lever Laura Caldeira (LNEC);
  • Soil improvement! Where or when? Baldomiro Xavier (TEIXEIRA DUARTE);
  • Soil improvement by jet grouting for the construction of the Access to the Barcelona Airport – Application of the recent technologies Goran Vukotic (KELLER);
  • Successful Menard Vacuum trial area in the New Mexico City Airport Jérôme Racinais (MENARD);
  • Challenges in ground improvement research Jimmy Wehr (UNIVERSITY OF ERFURT);
  • How to find an economical and quick solution to provide very low settlement and sufficient factor of safety against liquefaction for a concrete sewage treatment plant founded on sandy, silty hydraulic fill with upper carbonate sand crust? Serge Varaksin (EX-VICE CHAIRMAN TC211, EX-MENARD);
  • Landfills on soft soils. One or two layers of geogrids. Influence modulus of elasticity of the geogrid. The impact of creep phenomena on soft soils of the Lower Mondego António Alberto & Paulo J. Oliveira (U. COIMBRA);
  • The impact of creep phenomena on soft soils of the Lower Mondego António Alberto & Paulo J. Oliveira (U. COIMBRA);
  • European standardization for the treatment of soils and granular materials. António Gomes-Correia (UMinho) & José Neves (IST, ULisboa) .

A technical exhibition and a visit to the Carregado Node, the links of the Northern Highway (A1) and the EN1 Road to the North Lisbon Logistics Platform (PLLN) are also included.

For more information and registration, see the link: