The #4 ISIC Webinar will take place at 9AM to 11AM US CDT (2PM WET, 10PM Beijing Time), on July 29, 2021.
The past highway as-built has been paper or image-based technology. This practice has limited as-constructed information gathering and cannot make the information readily accessible and geospatially located accurately. The new digital as-built or project information model (DAB/PIM) can overcome the above limitations. DAB/PIM uses modern digital delivery technologies to support construction management and eConstruction. DAB/PIM can also capture other critical project information beyond construction. This new approach to digital project delivery is proven successfully to integrate design-construction data during the stages of before, during, and after construction. Therefore, DAB/PIM can produce benefits, including improved efficiency, quality, and cost savings. Ultimately, project-level DAB/PIM will contribute to a Digital-Twin of our highway system, i.e., a system-wide lifecycle collection of inventory information, geometrics, and other valuable information. The Digital-Twin will then be used for agencies’ business needs to manage maintenance, operations, assets, and future project scoping/design/construction. Digital-twin can also support future connected vehicle technologies such as accurately updated maps. This webinar will focus on the driving forces, benefits, challenges, and what can be done to lay out a practical road map to start implementing DAB/PIM using existing and emerging tools and technology. Speakers will share US agencies’ real-world experience and provide a vision for the future DAB/PIM.
For more information consult the Webinar’s flyer.
Registration is free for the Webinar here.