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Training Course “Introduction to surface geothermal systems”

Training Course “Introduction to surface geothermal systems”

The Course “Introduction to surface geothermal systems will take place on February 20 and 21.

This training course has the following main objectives:

  • Understand surface geothermal systems;
  • To train professionals for the design of geothermal heating installations with a geothermal heat pump;
  • To evaluate the exploration potential of surface geothermal in Portugal and the possible applications of this technology.

Addressees: Interest in geothermal energy and renewable energies; Installers of air conditioning systems and promoters, namely architects, engineers, etc .; University students; Managers and technical staff of national, regional and local public administration, as well as private entities; Directors and technicians of maintenance of agricultural, hotel, and other industries that can benefit from geothermal systems for the energy optimization of productive units; General public.