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IST Press | Invitation | Presentation of the book “The Constitutive Equations in Geotechnical Modeling”

IST Press | Invitation | Presentation of the book “The Constitutive Equations in Geotechnical Modeling”

IST Press, a university publisher at Instituto Superior Técnico, launched the book “The Constitutive Equations in Geotechnical Modeling“, written by the members and former Presidents of SPG, Emanuel Maranha das Neves and Laura Caldeira, no. 61 (December 2018) of the “Teaching of Science and Technology” Collection.

IST Press invites SPG members to the session of presentation of the work, on May 9, at 6:00 pm, at the DECivil Museum, Pavilion of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georeferences of the Superior Technical Institute, Lisbon. Carlos Pina, President of the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) and Prof. José Couto Marques of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).

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