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Ricardo Oliveira elected Honorary President of IAEG

Ricardo Oliveira elected Honorary President of IAEG

Prof. Ricardo Oliveira was elected last September 16, Honorary President of the IAEG at the Council meeting held in San Francisco.

In the 54 years of its existence the IAEG (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment) had only one Honorary President: Professor Marcel Arnould, one of its founders, with intense activity and permanent dedication, guiding the Association with extraordinary merit in many moments difficult times.

In recognition of this merit he was elected Honorary President at the IAEG Council meeting in Madrid in 1978.

Since then, 40 years have passed without any proposal for the election of another Honorary President. This year, on the initiative of four members of the current Executive Committee (the previous President, the Secretary General and the two Vice-Presidents of Europe), a proposal was presented to President Scott Burns for the election of Professor Ricardo Oliveira (President of IAEG between 1990 and 1994) as Honorary Presidentby voting in the Council in accordance with Article XII of the IAEG Statutes. The proposal was presented at the Council meeting held in San Francisco on 16 September and was unanimously approved.

The Direction of the SPG warmly congratulates Ricardo Oliveira for this very deserved and prestigious distinction!