Área Reservada
A Comissão Portuguesa de Geotecnia nos Transportes (CPGT), através do seu Grupo de Trabalho 2 (Geotecnia Portuária), em conjunto com a Comissão Portuguesa de Melhoramento de Terrenos (CPMT), da Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia (SPG), estão a organizar o Seminário Geotecnia em Obras Marítimas – Aprender com a Experiência. O evento aborda os desafios atuais e...
The registration deadline for the TC 202-TC307 “WS 03 – Sustainable Geotechnics for Transport Infrastructure” has been extended until 16th of August. https://www.ecsmge-2024.com/programme/conference-workshops-and-short-courses
Journal Ground Improvement Guest editor(s) Antonio Gomes Correia, Panagiotis G. Asteris, Giovanni Spagnoli The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increased in various engineering applications, but to a lesser extent in the field of ground improvement (GI) at both field and laboratory scale. There is an urgent need to automate the process of data acquisition and processing...
Call for Abstracts, 5th ICTG-Sydney (https://www.ictg2024.com.au/), Next Year. 20-22 November 2024, Sydney Masonic Centre Call for abstracts in PDF format can be downloaded from: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YxtnPT08-gyrqHB7f3FEaeppyts1yJC0/view?usp=sharing On behalf of the Organising Committee, we have the pleasure of inviting you to the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, to be held in Sydney Masonic Centre from 20 to 22 November 2024, hosted by the Transport Research...
The International Society for Intelligent Construction 2024 Conference (ISIC 2024) will be held in Orlando, Florida, USA, from 10 to 12 September 2024. Intelligent construction technologies (ICT) are combinations of modern science and innovative construction technologies. The International Society for Intelligent Construction (ISIC) provides a forum for disseminating knowledge concerning the collection, analysis, and application...
É com muita satisfação que a Comissão Organizadora do 1º Workshop BIM/SIG em Infraestruturas Lineares e Geotécnicas, realizado no Fórum Lisboa, nos dias 03 e 04 de março, divulga o e-book que agrega as comunicações orais então apresentadas. Coordenado pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia (em particular, pelo GT3 da Comissão Portuguesa de Geotecnia nos Transportes...
What is the future of transportation research and what is TRB’s role in that future? Learn from our panel of experts about how the scale and scope of TRB’s activities expanded steadily over the last 100 years, and what we might expect in the transportation field during the next 100 years. Join us on Thursday,...
The International Society for Intelligent Construction (ISIC) is hosting a Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Pavements webinar on July 29, 2020 at 9 am CDT (3 pm Portugal; 10 pm China). BIM has been proven successful in the vertical industry, where integrating design-construction data has resulted in benefits such as improved efficiency and cost-saving. The industry has increasingly used BIM...