
A Sixth International Conference of ISSMGE-TC306 Geotechnical Engineering Education (GEE2025), que irá decorrer de 2 a 4 de julho de 2025, Nancy, França. A submissão de resumos encontra-se a decorrer até dia 15 de outubro.

Informamos que terá lugar em Vienna, Austria, de 14 a 19 de junho de 2026, a 21st International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (21st ICSMGE 2026), subordinada ao tema Geotechnical Challenges in a Changing Environment (www.icsmge2026.org).

No dia 11 de dezembro de 2024, entre as 15:00 e as 17:00 (CET), foi transmitido um webinar sob o tema “Second Generation of Eurocode 7 – Dynamic ground properties and seismic design (Eurocode 8)”, organizado pelo ISSMGE ERTC10, e pelo CEN/TC 250/SC7, em parceria com a NEN. A participação foi gratuita.

(GeoAsia7), Taipei, Taiwan, postponed to October 31 – November 04, 2022. +Info: http://www.geoasia7.org

Granada, Spain, October 5, 2022. +Info:  https://www.piarc.org/en/News-Agenda-PIARC/News/2021-04-01,call-for-papers-second-international-conference-road-tunnel-operations-safety-eigth-spanish-tunnels-symposium-PIARC-2021.htm

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. Moscow, Russia, September, 15 -17, 2022. + Info: https://www.eygec28.com/

Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, Chengdu, China, September 14-20, 2022. + Info: https://www.iaeg2022.org

ISRM Regional Symposium, Dipoli, Helsinki, Finland, September 12-15, 2022. + Info: http://www.eurock2022.com

EuroGeo 7, Warsaw, Poland, postponed until September 4-7, 2022. + Info: https://eurogeo7.org/

Tema: A Geotecnia Portuguesa e os Desafios da Globalização Data: 7-11 de abril de 2008 Local: Universidade de Coimbra. COIMBRA