5th International Seminar on Underground Space: “Health & Safety in Underground Space” | 1º Boletim

5th International Seminar on Underground Space: “Health & Safety in Underground Space” | 1º Boletim

Por ocasião da reunião anual do partenariado BEFIPS decorrerá o 5th International Seminar on Underground Space com organização conjunta do LNEC e da CPT. O tema desta edição será “Health&Safety in Underground Space”.

Os temas a abordar no seminário serão os seguintes: • Historical evolution of Health and Safety in underground space. • Incidents/Accidents. Risk Analysis and management. • Design and operation for Internal Air Quality (IAQ) in tunnels. • Road tunnels: Experimental period, assessment of systems and equipment and training. • Emergency planning. • Firefighting and ventilation and smoke control systems: the industry vision. • Digital technologies in Health & Safety Management in Underground Space. • Refurbishment of smoke control systems. Case studies. • The Authority role on tunnels safety. • Human factors regarding tunnel safety. • Health & safety in underground works. A proposed guideline.

O primeiro boletim pode ser consultado aqui