25 Anos De Investigação Na FEUP No Domínio Dos Geossintéticos

Neste trabalho resume-se a investigação (no domínio dos geossintéticos) desenvolvida ao longo de 25 anos na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) com base, fundamentalmente, nos projetos de investigação financiados. Para cada projeto são indicados os objetivos da investigação correspondente e os indicadores de realização mais relevantes, nomeadamente: patentes, protótipos, instalações piloto, aplicações […]

Albufeiras Na Ilha Da Madeira: (Imprescindível) Impermeabilização Com Geossintéticos

Na ilha da Madeira, existem vários reservatórios de água para diferentes fins, entre eles as albufeiras das barragens de Pico da Urze e da Portela. Estas infraestruturas têm em comum a particularidade de as características das formações geológicas vulcânicas ocorrentes e os materiais de construção das barragens não garantirem a estanquidade necessária para a retenção […]

An International Initiative On Geosynthetic Education

An international educational initiative to facilitate the exposure of geosynthetics to  undergraduate civil engineering students has been conducted by the International Geosynthetics Society  (IGS) for over a decade. Geosynthetics is a comparatively new topic within geotechnical engineering  and, consequently, has only been sporadically introduced into undergraduate Civil Engineering curricula. In particular, geotechnical engineering professors themselves […]

Interaction Of Geotechnics With Society Through Education

The Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the University of Brasília (UnB), in partnership with the company Eletrobras Furnas, have developed research and, based on this, extension projects aimed at education in a broad sense, in which they seek to disseminate and popularise technical-scientific knowledge. This paper aims to present and evaluate educational actions carried […]

Pull-Out Response Of A Geogrid Buried In Recycled Sands

Recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) has demonstrated geotechnical properties that encourage it to be used in reinforced soil structures (RSS) with geosynthetics. However, the interaction between RCDW and reinforcements needs to be better understood, given its importance for design. This paper presents a qualitative study on the interaction between geogrid and recycled sands by […]

Geogrid Mechanical Damage Caused By Recycled Construction And Demolition Waste (Rcdw): Influence Of Grain Size Distribution

Recent studies have shown that recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) can be used as backfill material in geosynthetics reinforced soil (GRS) structures. However, besides the environmental and economic benefits of this practice, it is necessary to evaluate the mechanical damages that RCDW could cause to the reinforcement elements. This study aims to investigate the […]