Shear Strength of Tropical Soils and Bentonite Mixtures for Barrier Design
Compacted clayey tropical soils have great potential to be used as barriers in waste disposal facilities, considering that some technical requirements are fulfilled (e.g. hydraulic conductivity; compatibility after disposal; shear strength; swelling/cracking, etc). In turn, the bentonite addition is relevant for the cases where the hydraulic conductivity must be lowered, and therefore investigations on the […]
Influence Of The Addition Of Carbon Nanotube On The Physical Behavior Of A Lateritic Soil From The Southwest Amazon
In this work we evaluate the physical-mechanical behavior of lateritic soil with addition of carbon nanotubes. The soil was collected in a commercial deposit located in Rio Branco – AC and later characterized through particle size tests, X-Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Dispersion Spectroscopy and Tropical Compressed Miniature essay. The dispersion of nanotubes in solution was carried […]
Parameters Controlling The Expansive Behavior Of Bentonite-Kaolin Mixtures Stabilized With Alkali-Activated Waste
Expansive soils can cause large-scale damage to the infrastructure. Soil stabilization with Portland cement and lime has been widely utilized as a solution to this problem. However, these stabilizers are non-renewable and energy-intensive. Alkali-activated binders are alternatives with lower carbon dioxide emissions. This research evaluated an expansive soil stabilization with an alkali-activated binder produced from […]
Technical Feasibility Analysis Of Using Phosphogypsum, Bentonite And Lateritic Soil Mixtures In Hydraulic Barriers
Every year, millions of tons of phosphogypsum, a by-product of the fertilizer industry, are produced worldwide. As just a small part of this amount is reused, this study analyzed a new alternative to reuse this material in geotechnical works, in mixtures with lateritic soil and bentonite for the construction of liners for sanitary landfills. Four […]
Dosage Method For Unconfined Strength And Fatigue Life Of Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Treated Sand
Fiber-reinforcement has been reported as an effective and cost-attractive technique to improve the mechanical behavior of cemented soils. However, the dosage methodologies for these mixtures are still limited, especially regarding dynamic loading. The objective of this research was to analyze the dynamic response and strength behavior of fiber-reinforced cement-treated sand. In this sense, fatigue life, […]
Soil Surface-Atmosphere Interaction In A Monitored Embankment Constructed With Two Compacted Lime-Treated Soils
This study was carried out in an instrumented and monitored embankment divided into two symetrical sections and constructed with compacted treated soils (i.e., a silty soil and a clayey soil) exposed to the same atmospheric conditions in a continental climate, with oceanic influences. It aimed to investigate changes of bare soil surface moisture (w) and […]
Behavior Of Clayey Soil Treated With Nano Magnesium Oxide Material
Clayey soils are spread in many countries and require significant improvement. Recently, nanomaterial have been entered to the geotechnical research as a treatment material. Current study utilized magnesium oxide (MgO) as an additive to enhance swelling potential, compressibility characteristics, and index properties of clayey soil from Mosul city using different content of nano-MgO and under […]
Influence Of Industrial Effluent Treatment Ettringite On The Compressive And Tensile Strength And Microstructure Of Soil-Cement Mixtures
It is increasingly important to find solutions for the problem of the aluminium anodising industry which generates a large amount of acid and alkaline wastewater, composed of high amounts of phosphates, sulphates, nitrates and aluminium. The sulphate removal trough ettringite precipitation is a simple process and involves a low-cost operating. The ettringite can be also […]
Soil-Cement Formation Factor: Methodological Approach And Relationship With Unconfined Compression Strength
This study investigated the use of the Formation Factor of the material as an alternative way to estimate soil-cement strength involving no destructive tests. This factor is obtained from Archie’s Law and consists of the ratio of pore water electrical conductivity to saturated porous material electrical conductivity, being related to porosity by constant terms. In […]
Compressive And Tensile Strength Of Aeolian Sand Stabilized With Porcelain Polishing Waste And Hydrated Lime
The improvement of sandy soils by incorporating new stabilizing agents in a physical and/or chemical process has become the subject of many studies in recent decades. In addition, the use of industrial wastes in this process can bring significant benefits to the environment and savings in natural resources. This work aims to evaluate the implications […]
Assessment Of Bauxite Residue Stabilized With Lime And Graphene Oxide As A Geomaterial For Road Applications
Negative traits of bauxite residue (BR) include low shear strength, inconsistent compaction characteristics and dispersion, render it unsuited geomaterial for engineering applications. The present study aims at stabilizing BR with the combination of lime (L) and graphene oxide (GO) in suitable proportions and investigating their impact on improvement in engineering properties (viz., density, unconfined compressive […]
Durability And Mechanical Long-Term Performance Of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Stabilized By Alkali-Activation
The application of alkali-activated industrial by-products for the stabilization of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), can become a sustainable solution to reduce the carbon footprint of road construction and maintenance activities. Furthermore, this approach can also reduce the increasing depletion of natural resources. Thus, the durability and long-term mechanical performance of RAP stabilized with alkali-activated fly […]