Judgement In Geotechnical Engineering Practice (Manuel Rocha Lecture)

Professional judgement is the basis for many of the decisions taken by geotechnical engineers to make progress in the design, execution and works supervision. Judgment is a mandatory component of any engineering achievement, essential to assess the various uncertainties that inevitably affect engineering practice. Confidence in such judgements can result in small to big consequences, […]

A Contingency Solution Using Jet Grouting Barrier For A Dam Under Risk Of Piping In Brazil

During routine inspection works in 2006 inspectors found resurgences of water at the toe of a small embankment dam named ″Ribeirão do Gama″, located at Brasí­lia – DF. After technical visits, geotechnical engineers characterized these groundwater leakages as a piping process at an early stage. Intervention only began in 2015 due to obstacles that occasionally […]

A Case History with Combined Physical and Vacuum Preloading in Colombia

The scope of this paper is the back analysis of soft soil treatment case studies in which prefabricated vertical drains together with physical and vacuum surcharge were applied. Initially, the vacuum surcharge systems in vertical drains used worldwide are reviewed. The radial consolidation theory specifically developed for vacuum and physical surcharges is presented, highlighting the […]

Lessons Learned From Dam Construction In Patagonia, Argentina (Victor De Mello Lecture)

Three case histories of large dams built in North Patagonia which experienced unforeseen problems during construction, or after several years of operation are described. The necessary remedial and corrective works involved the development of important programs, being economic and programmatic impacts of great magnitude. The lessons learned from these experiences were very useful to the […]

Numerical Simulation of Vertical Pullout of Plate Anchors Embedded in Reinforced Sand

This paper presents a model to predict the ultimate pullout load (Pu) for a shallow single vertical plate anchor embedded in sand and fiber reinforced sand for depth (H)/diameter (D) ratios of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0. The model was developed based on literature field test results and wide laboratory investigation. The numerical analysis was performed […]

Shear Strength of Tropical Soils and Bentonite Mixtures for Barrier Design

Compacted clayey tropical soils have great potential to be used as barriers in waste disposal facilities, considering that some technical requirements are fulfilled (e.g. hydraulic conductivity; compatibility after disposal; shear strength; swelling/cracking, etc). In turn, the bentonite addition is relevant for the cases where the hydraulic conductivity must be lowered, and therefore investigations on the […]

Stabilization Of Major Soil Masses Using Drainage Tunnels

The destabilizing effect of groundwater is one of the major causes for landslides, which represent a major hazard to human life and the environment. Groundwater lowering is of ten the most efficient way to stabilize large unstable ground masses. Among groundwater lowering measures, drainage tunnels have several advantages, although construction costs may be proportionally high. […]

Internal Erosion in Dams (Manuel Rocha Lecture)

In embankment dams and dam foundations, internal erosion is the major cause of structural dam failures and incidents. Internal erosion develops locally along concentrated leaks or in the largest flow velocity zones, where the permeability is high, and at the interface between coarse and fine materials, where the flow velocity in coarse material maybe high […]

Lateritic Soil Deformability Regarding The Variation Of Compaction Energy In The Construction Of Pavement Subgrade

The performance of the subgrade towards the main deterioration mechanisms must be considered in the pavement structure design. Thus, this paper discusses the resilient modulus and permanent deformation evaluation of a pedological horizon of a Brazilian lateritic soil deposit, comparing samples compacted in the laboratory at the three compaction energies (standard, intermediate and modified) and […]