The e-book “Methods of underground excavation – the “health and safety” criterion as a factor of choice”, written by Manuel Tender* and João Pedro Couto was recently released. This book deals with risk management taking into account the main existing excavation methods – Conventional Excavation and TBM Excavation methods. No studies exist on the differences in the levels of health and safety between the two methods, nor on the relevance of the “Health and Safety” criterion in the choice of the excavation method, and, therefore, this book analyses this criterion in detail. First, its position is described in relation to the others, in the process of choosing a method. Then, the most common accidents at work and occupational diseases that occur in underground works are typified for both methods. In a third phase, a comparative assessment of risks and occupational factors is made, considering a base scenario and alternative scenarios with constraints. Finally, the risk and occupational factors mitigation measures are explored, with the goal of assessing their influence on their decrease, for each excavation method.
This book has the support of the Portuguese Commission of Tunnels and Underground Space and of the companies CICCOPN, DST, EDP, EPOS, Infraestruturas de Portugal, Mota-Engil, ORICA, Prospectiva and SIKA.
*Manuel Tender is a Civil Engineer and holds a PhD in Health and Safety in tunnels. He belongs to CPT, leads Working Group 3: Health and Safety and represents CPT at ITA WG5: Health and Safety.