Unconfined Compression Strength Of An Artificially Cemented Aeolian Dune Sand Of Natal/Brazil

Unconfined Compression Strength Of An Artificially Cemented Aeolian Dune Sand Of Natal/Brazil

Tahyara Barbalho Fontoura (A, B); Olavo Francisco Dos Santos Junior (C) Ricardo Nascimento Flores Severo (A); Roberto Quental Coutinho (B); Paulo Leite De Souza Junior ©

(a) Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. (b) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil. (c) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, , Brasil.


Soil behavior is influenced by the void ratio and bonds between grains. The aim of this study was to describe the strength behavior of an aeolian sand from the dunes of Natal, Brazil, artificially cemented in unconfined compression tests. The influence of cement content and moisture on molding and the validity of using the void/cement factor in estimating unconfined compression strength (UCS) were assessed. Tests were conducted with samples using three molding moisture contents (6, 9 and 12%), four cement contents (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10%) and a void ratio of 0.6 (Dr = 95%). The results showed that unconfined compression strength rises with increase in cement content and decreasing in molding moisture. The void/cement factor proved to be a reliable parameter in predicting the behavior of sand from Natal for the dosage of soil cement.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2021), Vol. 44, Tema 1

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Metodologias: Compactação superficial