Sustainability And Innovation In Geotechnics: Contributions From Geosynthetics (Manuel Rocha Lecture)

Sustainability And Innovation In Geotechnics: Contributions From Geosynthetics (Manuel Rocha Lecture)

Ennio Marques Palmeira

Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.


Geosynthetic are construction materials with several applications in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. They are usually capable of providing more practical and economical solutions than traditional construction materials. The extensive use of the latter for centuries has reduced the availability or increased the cost of such materials for constructions and developments in many regions. In addition, restrictive environmental regulations have limited or prohibited the exploitation and use of some traditional construction materials. In such situations geosynthetics can provide cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for geotechnical problems. Their use can be even more beneficial to the environment when associated with or to enable the use of alternative or waste materials in engineering works. Among such possibilities there are the uses of wasted tires, plastics and recycled construction and demolition residues with geosynthetics. This paper presents and discusses the use of geosynthetics associated with non-conventional construction materials in different geotechnical and geoenvironmental applications. Advantages and limitations of such combinations are discussed. The development and application of alternative low-cost geosynthetic products are also addressed.

Tipo de Artigo: Indefenido

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2016), Vol. 39, Tema 2, Pág. 113-135

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Metodologias: Geosintéticos/Geogrelhas - Reforço