Study And Analysis Of Some Methods Used To Predict The Diameter Of Columns Made By Jet Grouting In Sands

Study And Analysis Of Some Methods Used To Predict The Diameter Of Columns Made By Jet Grouting In Sands

Ribeiro, Daniel; Cardoso, Rafaela;

Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal


Jet grouting is a ground improvement technique which consists mainly in mixing high pressure injected grout with natural soil. Due to the uncertainties related with the execution process, the difficulty in predicting the final geometry of the grouted volume, as well as the hydro mechanical properties of the mixture along the column are the main disadvantages of the technique. In this study, some models found in literature to predict the diameter of jet columns will be presented and analyzed providing especial attention to columns executed in sandy soils with the Single Fluid Jet System. Considering the practical interest of the study, some equations are simplified and presented as function of some practical properties. To conclude, a study around the calibration parameters will be presented and some recommendations will be provided after comparing the predictions from the models with field trial results.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: 14º Congresso Nacional Geotecnia (2014), Vol. 1, Tema 5º Encontro De Jovens Geotécnicos, Pág. 45566


Metodologias: Jet grouting