Stabilization Of Slopes And Bridge Foundations

Stabilization Of Slopes And Bridge Foundations

Brandi, H.

Vienna Technical University, Autstria


Slope stabilization, landslide protection, and design of retaining structures are geotechnical activities with a higher risk than is usual in structural engineering practice. ln case of wid.espread unstable areas and great scatter of rock parameters, slope water pressure, etc. the serni-empirical design method has .proved especially suitable and cost-effective. This ,,philosophy” incorporates a detailed knowledge of residual shear strength and a careful monitoring before, during, and after construction. It is based on the possibility of a gradual increase in stability by successive steps of retaining measures – according to measurement results. Furthermore, the paper gives an overview of preventative measures against slide damage, retaining structures for slope stabilization, and landslide protection. Accompanying measures to increase slope stability and case histories are also described.

Tipo de Artigo: Caso Obra / Investigação

Publicação: 6º Congresso Nacional Geotecnia (1997), Vol. 3, Tema 1, Pág. 1269


Metodologias: Ancoragens; Pregagens