Soil Surface-Atmosphere Interaction In A Monitored Embankment Constructed With Two Compacted Lime-Treated Soils

Soil Surface-Atmosphere Interaction In A Monitored Embankment Constructed With Two Compacted Lime-Treated Soils

Katia Vanessa Bicalho (A); Thiago Luiz Poleto (A); Yu-Jun Cui(B); Yasmina Boussafir(C )

(a) Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil. (b) Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France. (c ) Université Gustave Eiffel, France.


This study was carried out in an instrumented and monitored embankment divided into two symetrical sections and constructed with compacted treated soils (i.e., a silty soil and a clayey soil) exposed to the same atmospheric conditions in a continental climate, with oceanic influences. It aimed to investigate changes of bare soil surface moisture (w) and corresponding suction (s) as result of soil water evaporation processes on a monthly time scale. Seasonal variations in the w (and s) measurement in both soil surfaces show overall consistency with the meteorological measurement within the study area. The paper also examines the ability of four air temperature-based potential evaporation (PET) formulations to capture the process of evaporation at the site. Results indicated that soil water evaporation is controlled by both atmospheric and soil conditions. And, during the most significant drying time period, the measured s consistently increased and the corresponding w decreased suggesting a relatively significant water evaporation effect. However, the monthly predicted PET data varied from a maximum of over 120 mm/month to less than 50 mm/month during the drying time, depending on the used method. The continuously monitored soil surface suctions are used for discussing the variations of evaporation according to the predicted PET method and time period at the site.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2023), Vol. 46, Tema 4

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Metodologias: Estabilização Química