Reinforcing Effect Of Recycled Polypropylene Fibers On A Clayey Lateritic Soil In Different Compaction Degrees

Reinforcing Effect Of Recycled Polypropylene Fibers On A Clayey Lateritic Soil In Different Compaction Degrees

Natalia De Souza Correia; Sabrina Andrade Rocha.

Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil.


The present research investigates the reinforcing effect of recycled polypropylene (R-PP) fibers on a compacted clayey lateritic soil in different compaction degrees. R-PP fibers of 12 mm length were mixed with the soil in the contents of 0.1 and 0.25% of soil dry weight. Unconfined compression strength tests (UCS), direct shear tests and indirect tensile strength (ITS) tests were conducted. Fibers addition showed no significate alterations in the optimum compaction parameters. The study evidenced increases in UCS, changing the soil behavior from a brittle failure to a ductile failure, while fiber contribution was most effective for 0.25% R-PP fibers content and 95% compaction degree. The use of fibers improved the shear stress-strain behavior of the composites and soils compacted at different degrees of compaction showed similar shear behavior, which is coherent to the soil water retention curves (SWRC) results. Significant increases in the tensile behavior of soil-mixtures for both fiber contents used were observed, and fibers increase was more significate than increase in soil degree of compaction. The stretching of the fibers and fibers orientation at the sheared interface in direct shear tests and the fiber “bridge” effect in ITS tests could be observed.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2021), Vol. 44, Tema 2

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Metodologias: Compactação superficial; Outros métodos de melhoramento