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Mechanically Stabilized Wall (Msw) With Geogrids As Complement Of Partially Executed Anchored Wall

Mechanically Stabilized Wall (Msw) With Geogrids As Complement Of Partially Executed Anchored Wall

Cristina Francischetto Schmidt (A); Pedro Paulo Monteiro Soares Dos Anjos (B); Ivan Steinmeyer (C ); Mateus Cardoso Reis Cleto (A); Emília Mendonça Andrade (A).

(a) Huesker Ltda., São José dos Campos, Brasil; (b) Engetec Construções e Montagens S.A., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; (c ) Steinsolos Engenharia Ltda., Barueri, Brasil.


This article presents the case study of Wall C11 of Lot 1 in the ringroads of Caraguatatuba and São Sebastião job site, whose original design consists of an anchored retaining wall with a concrete face supported on root piles. At the time of its interruption, only a part of the job had been executed. The alternative solution, mainly aimed at speeding up the completion of the job, was the execution of reinforced backfill with geogrids behind the concrete wall, eliminating the need for the remaining anchors. The presence of the bedrock top very close to the face of the retaining wall at some points could compromise the anchorage length required for the geogrids. In the construction phase, tests were carried out to verify the elements already executed, specially, the anchors. During the execution of the reinforced soil and after its completion, the instrumentation followed the displacements in the concrete wall.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2023), Vol. 46, Tema 4

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Metodologias: Geosintéticos/Geogrelhas - Reforço