Lateritic Soil Deformability Regarding The Variation Of Compaction Energy In The Construction Of Pavement Subgrade

Lateritic Soil Deformability Regarding The Variation Of Compaction Energy In The Construction Of Pavement Subgrade

Paula Taiane Pascoal; Amanda Vielmo Sagrilo; Magnos Baroni; Luciano Pivoto Specht; Deividi Da Silva Pereira.

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil.


The performance of the subgrade towards the main deterioration mechanisms must be considered in the pavement structure design. Thus, this paper discusses the resilient modulus and permanent deformation evaluation of a pedological horizon of a Brazilian lateritic soil deposit, comparing samples compacted in the laboratory at the three compaction energies (standard, intermediate and modified) and undisturbed samples. Physical, chemical, and mechanical characterization tests were conducted. The cyclic tests were performed in repeated load triaxial tests and according to the current Brazilian standards. Five mathematical models widely used were employed to verify the resilient modulus behavior of the sample conditions, in which the Compound and Universal models showed the best correlations. For permanent deformation, the model was used, which well-expressed the plastic behavior of the analyzed conditions. Although all cases appeared to attend the shakedown criteria, some samples did not reach the deformation rate required by the standard. As the compaction energy was increased, the resilient modulus increased, and the permanent deformation decreased. Therefore, there is a substantial modification of the material behavior by increasing the compaction.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2023), Vol. 46, Tema 3

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Metodologias: Compactação superficial