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Influence Of Geogrid Geometrical And Mechanical Properties On The Performance Of Reinforced Veneers

Influence Of Geogrid Geometrical And Mechanical Properties On The Performance Of Reinforced Veneers

Helber N. L. Viana (A); Ennio M. Palmeira (B)

(a)Secretariat of Water Infrastructure, Brazil; (b)University of Brasília


Some types of geosynthetics have been traditionally used as reinforcement in several types of geotechnical projects.They can also be used as reinforcement to increase the stability of cover soils in slopes of waste disposal areas. This paper investigates the influence of some geometrical and mechanical properties of geogrids on the stability of cover soils using a large scale ramp test. Tests were performed with a sand and different combinations of geosynthetics, involving the use of geogrids, a nonwoven geotextile and rough and smooth geomembranes. The elevation of the geogrid in the cover soil was varied in the test programme. The results obtained show a marked influence of the presence of geogrid reinforcement in the cover soil on the stability of the system and on the reduction of tensile forces mobilised in the geomembrane during the test in tests with smooth or rough geomembranes. The beneficial effect of the presence of the geogrid in the cover soil was a function of its geometrical and mechanical properties.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2010), Vol. 33, Tema 1, Pág. 33-44

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Metodologias: Geosintéticos/Geogrelhas - Reforço