Geotechnical And Other Characteristics Of Cement-Treated Low Plasticity Clay

Geotechnical And Other Characteristics Of Cement-Treated Low Plasticity Clay

Ibrahim M. Alkiki; Mohammed D. Abdulnafaa; Abdulrahman Aldaood.

University of Mosul, Iraq.


This research work examines the utilization of cement in order to improve low plasticity clay soil. The soil samples treated with 2, 4 and 6% cement percents and cured for different curing times extended to 90 days. Laboratory investigations include unconfined compression, indirect tensile, gas permeability and microstructural tests, which were conducted on the tested samples. The soil-water retention behavior has been also investigated. The test results showed that the cement addition improved both the compressive and tensile strength properties of soil specimens. These strength properties were also increased with curing times. pH and electrical conductivity values were good indicators for the enhancement in the strengths properties. The results of micro structural tests illustrated that the natural soil specimens contain voids and the open structure. Further, these tests showed the cementation of soil grains and filling the voids among soil grains with cementing compounds. Gas permeability and soil-water retention behavior of soil specimens are strongly related to the variations in the soil structures. Further examination illustrated that in the case of low cement content, the pore size distribution (PSD) and the efficiency of gas permeability are more sensitive to curing times.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2021), Vol. 44, Tema 1

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Metodologias: Estabilização Química