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Advances On Dosages For Cement Stabilized Rammed Guabirotuba Silt Depending On Climate Conditions

Advances On Dosages For Cement Stabilized Rammed Guabirotuba Silt Depending On Climate Conditions

Jair De Jesús Arrieta Baldovino; Ronaldo Luis Dos Santos Izzo; Juliana Lundgren Rose

Universidade Federal Tecnológica do Paraná, Brazil.


This paper optimizes and compares the behavior of soil-cement compacted blends against several molding and climate conditions under optimum compaction and non-optimum compaction parameters. For this, an intensive laboratory study of silty soil samples treated with different percentages of high early strength Portland cement (PC) was investigated by a series of compaction, unconfined compressive, splitting tensile and durability tests using several climate conditions (i.e. wetting-drying and freeze-thaw cycles). The effects of porosity/cement index (η/Civ) on the unconfined compressive strength (qu), splitting tensile strength (qt) and durability by accumulated loss of mass (ALM, in %) of blends for optimum (i.e. maximum dry unit weight and optimum water content) and non-optimum compaction conditions (i.e. the variety of molding dry unit weight and molding moisture content (ω), between 13 and 16 kN/m3 and 10 % and 34 %, respectively) is the main paper focus. The results show an increase in strength and durability properties of the blends when cement is added, however, the mechanical resistance decreases if the blends are subjected to freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles. The opposite happens when blends are subjected to wet-dry (W-D) cycles where they reach resistances higher than those of curing at 23 °C in a wet chamber. Finally, reasonable dosages employing η/Civ index to stabilize the soil were presented considering the strength and the durability parameters.

Tipo de Artigo: Investigação

Publicação: Revista Soils & Rocks (2020), Vol. 43, Tema 4, Pág. 631-645

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Metodologias: Estabilização Química